Local Area Network

Local Area Network

Local Area Network

Local area network . high speed, low -error data network covering a  relatively small geographic area (up to a few thousands meters ). LANs connects workstations, peripherals terminals , and other devices in a single building or other geographically  limited area.

Types of LANs

Most residential LANs  use a single router to create the network and manage all the connected devices. the router acts as the central connection point and enables devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones to communicate with each other. Typically , the router is connected to a cable or DSL  modem, which provides internet access to connected devices.

A computer may also be the central access point of a LAN.In this setup, the computer acts as a server, providing connected machines with access to files and programs located on the server. It also includes LAN software used to manage the netwok and connected devices. LAN servers are more common in business and educational networks, since the extra capabilities are not required  by most home users. In a server based LAN, devices may connects directly to the server or indirectly via a router or switch.

NOTE: LANs may be combined to create a larger LAN. This type of network, which can customized to include specific devices from various networks, is called a virtual LAN or VLAN.


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